After moving to the Greene County Fairgrounds last year, the BOOST committee is eagerly looking forward to another event again this year at the fairgrounds. The 5th annual BOOST Bash is scheduled for Saturday, April 2, in Clover Hall. The doors will open at 5 pm with dinner to begin at 6:30. Tables will seat up to eight people to allow friends and coworkers to purchase a table. Single tickets will also be sold; those will be self-seating so people can space out however they feel comfortable. This year’s meal will be provided by the Ram Restaurant. Tables and individual tickets are available at www.boostgreenecountyschools.com.
The committee is also currently accepting donations to be included in the auction, sponsorships that will be recognized, or monetary by preference. Potential donors can contact the BOOST committee at gcschoolsboost@gmail.com to speak to us about this or mail checks directly to Greene County Schools BOOST, PO Box 4, Jefferson, IA 50129. Checks can be made out to Greene County Educational Foundation, with BOOST in the memo line.
BOOST stands for Bringing Optimism & Opportunities to Students & Teachers, and all proceeds from this event will directly impact students and teachers in the Greene County Community School District. The event includes a social, dinner, live and silent auctions, and recognition of the great things happening at GCCSD.
The four previous years have brought in a total of $225,000. This ongoing support from the community has created wonderful new opportunities for Greene County students and teachers. Examples of the funded projects include field trips, musical instruments, 3-D printers, playground equipment, virtual business simulations, equipment for nursing training, and supplemental reading materials. A full list for the funding provided each year is available on the BOOST website.
Due to space and social distancing, tickets and tables that are being sold are limited. Previous events have sold out so early reservations are suggested. Ticket sales end March 26. Check out our website and like us on Facebook (BOOST – Greene County, IA) to keep updated as the event gets closer. “Thanks for your continued support; we can’t wait to see you on April 2, 2022,” a BOOST spokesperson said.